Snow Queen review by DMorr
Snow Queen
by Emma Harrison
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Leverett, MA, United States
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Aubrey has some expectations when she leaves Florida for the first time to join her best friend Christie, at her grandparent's Vermont inn, the Spotted Owl. She expects snow, she expects to win the hockey shot competition at the local carnival, and she expects to have a fun vacation with her best friend. What she does not expect, however, is to participate in the Snow Queen pageant, to meet an uber cute guy, or be sabotaged by his word-that-rhymes- with-witch-y younger sister. Added to all that, the Spotted Owl's existence is being threatened by the local resort, owned by the parents of the very guy Aubrey is crushing on! So now, the girl who is most comfortable in her roller blades and holding a hockey stick in her hand is forced to navigate a sea of heels and sequins while attempting to juggle her friendship, her romance, and scheming pageant girls at the same time. Talk about out of her element! Tenacious Aubrey eventually rises to the task but not before a number of mishaps and falls on the ice.


This book is perfect for curling up with under a warm blanket and with a mug of hot chocolate or stretched out on the beach listening to the roar of the ocean. We often hear about summer romances. Now it is time for a winter romance! I received it yesterday and read more than half of it before bed. I was ecstatic when I received the news of a snow day today, because I was then able to finish it this morning. Harrison has a talent for writing so that a person wants to see what the characters do next. You never have an idea what headstrong Aubrey is going to say or how she is going to react and it keeps a reader entwined in the story.


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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