LitPick Review

The United States of Atlantis proposes a compelling yet outlandish alternate history to the Revoloutionary War.Victor Radcliff, a hero from the last war, commands the army of Atlantis to a surprising end against tyrannical Britain.Radcliff leads an army remarkably similar to that of Washington's in a crusade for freedom against a stronger,better equipped enemy. Battles occur throughout the land, with well described scenes contributing to the riveting blood and gore. The United States of Atlantis can be considered historical fiction, as the core of the novel issimply the Revolutionary War transposed to a different key.
The United States of Atlantis reads so quickly that it might as well turn its own pages. A vivid setting, subtlenuances, believable characters, powerful prose, and an exceptional ending all contribute to a masterpiece. Battle scenes are frequent in The United States of Atlantis, andthey are always convincing. Turtledove seems to have been inthe war himself, for he writes with the discerning eye of ageneral. Turtledove's voice is the aforementioned, and it isentirely appropriate for this text. Another nuance are several historical puns. As the reader delves deeper intoThe United States ofAtlantis,he or she will find characters with a distinctive and real background. Thefoundation of all novels is characters, and The United States of Atlantis will weather any earthquake. All are believable, entertaining, and have real, personal flaws toovercome. Capping this all off is a thrilling ending thatleaves no questions unanswered. The United States of Atlantis is an exceptional novel for those ages twelve and up.
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There are some sexual scenes mentioned, but they are not described.