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Charmed and Dangerous review by GBarr_GIPS | LitPick Book Reviews
Charmed and Dangerous review by GBarr_GIPS
Charmed and Dangerous (Bobbie Faye, Book 1)
by Toni McGee Causey
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Grand Island, NE, United States
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Bobbie Faye is a girl that is just a teenager that has to be a mother to Roy her brother, and there five year old niece. She's really thight on money so they live in an RV that gets drowned with water. It ruins a very special book that her mother gave to her before she died. Her mother became queen of Lake Charles Contraband Days Festival. But before she died she also gave her the winning crown that isn't worth a penny to her. Suddenly her brother gets kidnapped because he owed money to bad people. The reson was becauser he sold them a stolen boat so they would get in trouble. They want the mothers winning crown for ransom instead of money. Will she be able to give it up for her brothers life or will she leave him to die??????


It's an ok book with lots of action. But most of this book has a lot of bad words that wouldnt be appropiate for middle school kids. I think that this book is still good to read because its very intresting and like i said has a lot of action. But the book does keep you on your tippi toes and on the edge of your seat. It makes you wonder in your mind oh no whats going to happen next like every great book should be. Even though there is a lot of bad words its still an ok book to read!!!

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I gave it a 3 because I think only people that can handle strong writing should read this book. Especially a book that includes bad words!!!

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