LitPick Review

The House of Night, the school for vampyre fledglings, is no longer safe. The High Priestess (principal), Neferet, has turned away from the vampyre goddess, Nyx, and joined forces with the fallen angel Kalona and his Raven Mockers. Humans and vampyres alike are being attacked and no one is safe. Enter Zoey Redbird, the fledgling with an unusual affinity for all of the elements. She is the only one that can defeat Neferet and Kalona because of her gift. The only problem is getting into the House of Night (which is guarded heavily), finding a way to banish Kalona back to where he came, and sorting out her twisted love life. That doesn't sound too hard, does it?
I absolutely loved this book. I really liked the way that the authors were able to tell what had happened in the previous books; this allowed me to be able to follow along completely even though I had not read the previous books. I enjoyed the story line very much and thought that the authors had correctly portrayed the mind of a teenager. The addition of Zoey's romance problems adds an interesting twist to the story. I would recommend this book to vampyre fans and anyone who would enjoy a wondrous fantasy story.