Dating4Demons review by TKono
Dating4Demons (Colby Blanchard Series #3)
by Serena Robar
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Paranormal

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Staten Island, NY, United States
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Dating4Demons is Serena Robar's third book about Colby
Blanchard, a teen girl who is turned into a half-blood
vampire. Colby's got a lot to deal with, what with
bloodthirsty vampires (as if there's any other kind!) out
to get her nightly. And all because of her supposed role in
an apocalyptic prophecy that may or may not be properly
translated and interpreted! Piper, her best friend, has
been working on figuring out the prophecy, but suddenly her
role in the vampire community changes when she meets
Hunter. He's taken a sudden interest in her, and there may
be more to it meets the eye...


This book is a fun, light read. Serena Robar's take on vampire stories is a pretty
unique one that I enjoy, and her characters are great! I
was occasionally a little bored while reading this book,
but, at other times, it was a real page-turner! This isn't
a book that'll stick on your mind for ages, but if you're
looking for a more fun summer read that's got a little more
to it than some fluffy teen books, you'll want to pick this
one up! I'm eagerly anticipating the next in the

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