Key to Redemption review by SPasqu
Key to Redemption (Gillian Key)
by Talia Gryphon
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Schenectady, NY, United States
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This book is absolutely amazing! But Key to Redemption is definitely a PG-13 book. I just couldn't put the book down! I like how it doesn't recap the character's lives for a few chapters but gets straight into the story. Key to Redemption has some great humor, and yet, some very serious points. In the book, Gillian Key is a therapist to the paranormal that have been recently legalized. Someone from her recent past comes back and ends up making the therapist need therapy. I really hope another book will come out and expand upon one of Gillian's client's.


I liked how the book was written. It covers all the thoughts of the characters but mostly sticks with Gillian throughout the book. And doesn't randomly cut to another person at a really exciting moment. I also feel like that I can connect with Gillian and feel what she feels. Furthermore, I like the explanations of some of the paranormal creatures that she deals with. This is a series that you don't have to necessarily read in order.


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