Sachiko review by BBow
by Shizue Tomoda
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Biography

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Tipp City, OH , United States
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Sachiko always dreamed of going to America. Enthralled by the sophistication and boundless opportunities offered by the western world, she devoted herself to making the dream come true. The challenge is more than she bargained for, though. Her parents do not support her ambitious aspiration, and refuse to let her go. In this story, the reader follows a young Japanese girl as she struggles to find herself and make her hopes realities.


I did not love this book. I was always waiting for the actual plot to start; I felt like I was reading a summary, not a story. There was very little dialogue to break up long, non- descriptive paragraphs. There was no emotion conveyed until the very end. Even Sachiko, the main character, was not developed very well. By the end of the book, I felt like I barely knew her. The author states the obvious too often, and she hints at future events in an all-too inconspicuous manner. I have to admit that the ending caught me off guard. I almost wish that there had been more. Overall, the book wasnt terrible; it simply needs more sensory details and some minor editing.


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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