Tackling Dad review by CMy
Tackling Dad
by Elizabeth Levy
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Upper Strasburg, PA, United States
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Cassie was the star of the pee-wee football team a few years ago. Many things have changed since then, such as her parents getting divorced. Now she only visits her dad on weekends. When she and her best friend Molly make the new football team, will Cassie ever get her parents to sign the form to allow her to play in the games? If they do let Cassie play, will she ever get the respect she wants from the boys on the team? How much longer will Cassie be able to stand Serena, her new step-mom (Mrs. Tofu Queen), who gets worked up over almost everything? You can find out in this terrific book called "Tackling Dad".


This book was a page-turner and and I enjoyed spending the time to read it! At first I didn't know how this book would be since it was about football and I don't like football, but this book turned out to be excellent. The things the characters said in "Tackling Dad" were very funny. I recommend "Tackling Dad" to pretty much anybody who likes to read funny books, but especially if you like football.


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