The Galapagos Islands Steve Trek Adventures
The Galapagos Islands (Steve Trek Adventures)
The Galapagos Islands Steve Trek Adventures
Terry Ross
Steve Trek has always led a life of adventure. Being a divemaster in exotic locales brings new endeavors every day. Steve, along with fellow divemasters, Dave "Doc" Sighter and "Big Jeff" Hall, lead divers on adventures of a lifetime in the breathtaking backdrop of the Galapagos Islands. Together they dive in unbelievable terrain and see some of the most outstanding sights the ocean has to offer. But the conditions can be treacherous in the diverse sea surrounding the Galapagos. Sharks gather in droves beneath the surface, and a band of nefarious drug lords threaten the peace and quiet of the island when Steve and his crew cross their path. Can Steve and his fellow divers survive a confrontation with the ruthless Hiro Murisimo? Will they survive the other dangers lurking beneath the seas? Join author Terry Ross for an unbelievable island experience in Steve Trek Dive Adventures: Galapagos Islands.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

The Galapagos Islands, the first of the Steve Trek Adventures, is a novel written by a first time author, Terry Ross. The author has always loved the sea and he shows it in his book. He writes about a young, charming divemaster, Steve Trek, his love interest, Jenny, and his friends, Doc and Jeff. Steve and his crew encounter iniquitous drug lords. Together the gang defends the peace of the Galapagos Islands, a beautiful and exotic landscape surrounded by pristine waters, and later confront and defeat the merciless leader of the drug lords, Hiro.

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