Vesper (Deviants)
Jeff Sampson
Top Choice
Emily Webb is a geek.And she’s happy that way. Content hidingunder hoodies and curling up to watch oldhorror flicks, she’s never been the kind of girlwho sneaks out for midnight parties. Andshe’s definitely not the kind of girl who startsfights or flirts with other girls’ boyfriends.Until one night Emily finds herself doingexactly that . . . the same night one of herclassmates—also named Emily—is foundmysteriously murdered.The thing is, Emily doesn’t know whyshe’s doing any of this. By day, she’s the sameold boring Emily, but by night, she turnsinto a thrill seeker. With every nightfall,Emily gets wilder until it’s no longer just herpersonality that changes. Her body can dothings it never could before: Emily is nowstrong, fast, and utterly fearless. And soonEmily realizes that she’s not just comingout of her shell . . . there’s something muchbigger going on. Is she bewitched by the soulof the other, murdered Emily? Or is EmilyWebb becoming something else entirely—something not human? As Emily hunts for answers, she finds outthat she’s not the only one this is happeningto—some of her classmates are changingas well. Who is turning these teens intomonsters—and how many people will theykill to get what they want?

Book Details


  • Fantasy

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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Vespers, that's what they called the creatures that weren't like other humans, and Emily might be one of them. Emily Webb is a quiet nerd who never even thought about trying to fit in. But the night of the other Emily's murder, everything changes. She has become strong, wild, fast, and fearless, and she is scared of what the changes could mean. Has the other Emily's soul inhabited her body? Or could it be something that not even humans can control?

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Emily Webb is a quiet girl, the kind of girl you could definitely call a geek. She has only one friend, and is perfectly comfortable hiding behind her glasses and oversized sweatshirts. Suddenly, it's as if she wants to change her ways, but only at night. It started the night that the other Emily was murdered. Ever since Emily C. from school was found shot, it seems that she has developed a split-personality, changing from a nerd to a party girl. During the day, she wouldn't dare to flirt with another girl's boyfriend or sneak out of the house from her second story window.

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