K. A. Thomas
Long ago, a tormented young princess put a secret in a box and locked it tight. What once was locked, will soon be opened. Long ago an arrogant man, the possessor of the magical Key of Mazi, was lost at sea. What was thought lost, will soon be found. Brenia Sorrowheart's orders are clear. Find the key and unlock the box. Prevent Talforland from corrupting the treasure that lies hidden inside. Soon, however, Bree's quest for the key takes her on a journey that leads from the crisp, clear ocean into the deepest bowels of the earth. As her visions turn to nightmares, Bree must not only unlock the secret of the box, but the mystery that lives inside of her own dreams.

Book Details


  • Fantasy

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Brenia Sorrowheart is going on her first adventure! Whoa! Slow down! From a mere stable girl, to the lady in waiting to the Queen, (not to mention her best friend) and now this! All in what, a few weeks? Amazing as it all seems, Bree has to focus. She must find the lost key to a box that's been locked for centuries- and we're not talking about some key hidden under a bed, we're talking about a key guarded by the darkest secrets of the deep. But is the key really an object she's looking for, or a lost part of her?

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