Audrey Couloumbis
A heartwarming holiday story from Audrey Couloumbis, the Newbery Honor–winning author of Getting Near to Baby. With beautiful writing and an endearing young narrator so honest and full of hope that you can't help but fall in love with him, Audrey Couloumbis tells a story, of a young boy and the grandfather that he’s just getting to know, that will make readers laugh and cry and, most of all, appreciate the gift of family.It's a few days before Christmas when ten-year-old Jake's mom breaks her leg, ending up in the hospital. For as long as Jake can remember, it's been just him and his mom. So with no one else to look after him, the hospital contacts the gruff granddad that Jake only knows through awkward twice-a-year phone calls. When Granddad shows up, he's nothing like Jake expected. And he brings a dog with him—a nightmare dog, Jake thinks at first. But as Jake gets to know his grandfather and a makeshift family of friends and neighbors comes together around him and his mom, he realizes that this might not be such a bad Christmas after all.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Jake is a ten-year-old boy who has a mom and no dad. One day his life changes; a few days before Christmas his mom slips and breaks her leg on ice. Jake has no one to look after him for Christmas beside his graddad in North Carolina. He comes with a dog that has an attitude. What kind of experience will this be?

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