13 To Life
13 to Life: A Werewolf's Tale
13 To Life
Shannon Delany
Everything about Jessie Gillmansen's life changed when her mother died. Now even her hometown of Junction is changing. Mysterious dark things are happening. All Jessie wants is to avoid more change. But showing a hot new guy around Junction High, she's about to discover a whole new type of change. Pietr Rusakova is more than good looks and a fascinating accent―he's a guy with a dangerous secret. And his very existence is sure to bring big trouble to Jessie's small town. It seems change is the one thing Jessie can't avoid…

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Weird sounds in the middle of the night, creatures lurking in the shadows, and a new family of Russians. The Rusakova family keeps to themselves, eats a lot of meat, and seem to be interested in Jessie. Jessie Gillmansen has had a lot of problems lately and showing the new student, Peitr Rusakova, around isn't going to be a joy. Peitr seems to be diffrent and all the girls seem to be interested in that, except Jessie. When Derek, Jessie's dream guy, begins to look her way something even weirder takes place; Peitr becomes protective of Jessie. Secrets, lies and action lie ahead.

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