Stefan Petrucha
Wade Jackson has always felt split, his love for playing and writing music competing with his ambition to do well in school. But when his mother dies, this need for order competes with his desire to leave it all behind. What follows is a split in his consciousness that takes him to two very different worlds.Told in alternating chapters that together form one cohesive story, Split follows both Wades as they pursue what they think is the correct path. One Wade continues working hard in school, pulling all-nighters to write a computer code he believes will save the world. The other Wade pursues the dream of being a dive-bar singer, pulling all-nighters to party, gamble, and live on the edge. But when these two worlds begin to collide, each Wade will need to find a balance between control and abandon, order and chaos, life missed and life lost, in order to save himself.

Book Details


  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction
  • Science Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Wade has always felt split. His love for writing and playing music versus his urge to do well in school. But when his other dies it leads to a split in his conscience to two different worlds. This book alternates chapters between the two different Wades. One is a dive-bar singer and the other one is fixing a proton accelerator. One is devoted to his lover, Denby, the other one, is not. But when these to worlds start to collide, each Wade must find a way to save each other.

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