The Smart Aleck's Guide to American History
The Smart Aleck's Guide to American History
The Smart Aleck's Guide to American History
Adam Selzer
Do you know America? No, I mean, do you REALLY know America? Would you recognize John Adams in a lineup? Can you identify any presidents between Lincoln and Roosevelt?Hmmm. I thought so.Well, you really need this book.Not only will it improve your sorry historical knowledge, it will crack you up, and give you material to throw your teachers off-balance for entire class periods. Identify their lies! Point out their half-truths! And possibly, just possibly, gain some extra credit for yourself.

Book Details


  • Historical Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

This book is a nonfiction narrative of American history. The book summarizes the major events in United States history, starting in the era before Columbus and going up to Obama's inauguration. However, it is also humorous and satirical. Numerous historical people and events are discussed and often made fun of. There are eleven chapters, each addressing a different period of United States history. Every chapter contains pictures, sidebars, footnotes, an end-of-the-chapter quizz, and summaries of more minor events not discussed in the main text.

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