Carol Snow
Claire Martin has some serious body issues.Ever since Claire hit her teens, electrical storms have been making her switch bodies. Usually she's back to her old self in no time. But when something goes terribly wrong, she finds herself stuck in the fabulous body—and life—of Larissa, the icy blonde beauty who has caught the eye of Nate, Claire's longtime crush. Will Claire ever figure out how to get her old life back? And, more importantly, will she even want to?

Book Details


  • Fiction
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Claire Martin isnt a normal teenager. She might appear to be one with her overworked mom, awkward body, and secret crush, but every time Claire gets near an electrical storm, her soul switches bodies. Which is already bad, but to make matters worst shes now stuck in the body of the tall, thin, and blonde Larissa. Who just happens to be the guy her crush, Nathan, likes. Now Claire has to try to get her body back, and more importantly convince herself she wants to.

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