Flight of the Renshai
Flight of the Renshai (Renshai Chronicles)
Flight of the Renshai
Mickey Zucker Reichert
Return to a world of "magical battles galore" (VOYA) with Mickey Zucker Reichert's newest Renshai novel. Prejudice against the Renshai is growing rapidly, fueled by their old enemies in the Northlands, who have convinced a faction in Erythane that the Renshai lands were stolen from them, forcing the King to banish the Renshai from the Westlands. Shunned by Westerners and hunted by Northmen, the Renshai will face many trials before rallying together against a common enemy determined to destroy them once and for all.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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The Flight of the Renshai is a story of three brothers on a journey to find their place. Their tribe,the Renshai, are a tribe dedicated to the sword. Long ago they were exiled from the Northlands; the tribe had settled in Bearn working for the King as apart of his army. Now spies from the North have succeeded in the banishment of the Renshai yet again. And all the while a fleet of pirates are on the verge of destroying all of Bearn. In the middle of all this is three brothers:Calistan, Saviar, and Subikahn.

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The country of Bearn is faced with the threat of an army of pirates while the Renshai face banishment from their home. After an intense battle the Renshai are forced to leave their home in the Fields of Wrath. Meanwhile, Saviar, Calistin, and Subikahn the sons of Kevral Tainharsdatter face their own trials: one from swordsman, one from wounds, and one from himself. In all cases the world is in peril and it will all come back to the army of "pirates" and their leader...

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