Key to Redemption
Key to Redemption (Gillian Key)
Key to Redemption
Talia Gryphon
When her lover, master vampire Aleksei Rachlav, offers his home as a safe haven for those paramortals who stand against Dracula's army, fighter and healer Gillian Key finds their relationship strained by the new clients he has brought to her and by the return of an old enemy. Original.

Book Details


  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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This book is absolutely amazing! But Key to Redemption is definitely a PG-13 book. I just couldn't put the book down! I like how it doesn't recap the character's lives for a few chapters but gets straight into the story. Key to Redemption has some great humor, and yet, some very serious points. In the book, Gillian Key is a therapist to the paranormal that have been recently legalized. Someone from her recent past comes back and ends up making the therapist need therapy. I really hope another book will come out and expand upon one of Gillian's client's.

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