Mousetraps (Exceptional Reading & Language Arts Titles for Upper Grades)
Bill Hauser, Pat Schmatz
Back in grade school, Maxie and Rick were best friends. Rick would design crazy inventions, and Maxie, the artistic one, would draw them. Then something terrible happened to Rick, and he vanished from her school and her life. Years later, he shows up at Maxie's high school. In some ways he's the same person she once knew. But in other ways - frightening ones - he's very, very different . . .

Book Details


  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Maxie and Roddy designed hi-tech mousetraps together while in elementary school. But that was elementary school. In high school everything changes. After the change between schools they don't talk nearly as much. Now Roddy goes by Rick and he is an outcast. Nobody treats him with respect. Since Maxie's high school-best friend Tay finds new friends while snowboarding, Maxie continues to hang out with Rick like in the old days and she notices that he is nice. Maxie wonders if they are more than just friends. Then everything goes terribly wrong. 

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