How To Be A Creative Genius
How to Be a Creative Genius (in five minutes or less)
How To Be A Creative Genius
Gary Unger
Do you want to be a creative genius? You may be only five minutes away! In How to Be a Creative Genius (in five minutes or less), author and advertising consultant Gary Unger exposes common misconceptions about creativity with his unique blend of clever humor and dead-on insight.Creative Genius is a hilarious take on the creative process that is sure to challenge the way its readers approach their own creativity. His message is clear: Be yourself and having fun doing it. Creative Genius is a straight-to-the-point, easy read that inspires deep thought one minute and riotous laughter the next.Joey Reiman, founder and CEO of BrightHouse, LLC says about Creative Genius, 'Can you ignite creative genius in five minutes or less? Absolutely, if you strike a match. This book is a box of matches.' Like an open flame, How to Be a Creative Genius (in five minutes or less) should be handled carefully. Only those who seek to be ablaze with creative genius should dare to read it!

Book Details


  • Educational
  • Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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How To Be A Creative Genius is a book that consists of a very long checklist of what not to do if you wish to be a creative genius. The sarcasm of the book provides an interesting spin to the topic. Embedded within the checklist are De facto sections. These sections actually tell readers what to do to move towards a creative genius status. The combination of what to do and what not to do creates a unique message for those striving to become creative, to become geniuses, or both. How To Be A Creative Genius is a quick read that can be finished in a 20 minute bus ride.

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