D Meister, Sarah Neufeld
A novel about an alienated teenager; the daughter of infamous woman who has the power to turn invisible. When this "disappointingly normal" daughter discovers she has inherited more than just her mother's metallic blue eyes, she finds herself pulled into

Book Details


  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Visibility by Sarah Neufeld tells the story of a girl struggling to understand herself and the people around her. One thing separates her from sharing this situation with her peers: on her eighteenth birthday, Natalie discovers that that she has a superpower of sorts - she can turn invisible. With her bodyguard sitting in for her absent father and her mother, Jadyn, acting invisible in more ways than one, it's no surprise that Natalie is unsure of how to deal with her new ability.

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