They Stood Alone!
They Stood Alone!: 25 Men and Women Who Made a Difference
They Stood Alone!
Sandra Mcleod Humphrey
Nicolaus Copernicus and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are just two of the twenty-five extraordinary men and women whom you will have a chance to meet in this inspiring book that explores and celebrates people who had the courage to follow their own convictions, even when everyone around them said they were wrong. They were people of vision who saw life from a new perspective and were willing to question conventional wisdom. And their revolutionary breakthroughs changed and shaped the course of history. Author Sandra McLeod Humphrey invites you to have the courage to stand alone too, hold on to your dreams, and follow your heart wherever it may lead. Like the twenty-five pioneers who lived before you, you too may someday make a difference.

Book Details


  • Historical Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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In the book, They Stood Alone!, it tells the stories of many inspiring people. People who faced oppression and conflict but were able to overcome it. Some of these stories include the people, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Galileo, and even Gandhi. For each person it gives their experiences, difficulties, and what we can take away from them. This book was made to both enlighten, and inspire people to do their hardest despite what others may think at the time.

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