Spellcast (Maggie Graham Series)
Barbara Ashford
Maggie Graham's life is a mess. First, she loses her job. Then, her bathroom ceiling collapses. Hoping a weekend getaway will restore her spirits, she drives to Vermont and stumbles upon the Crossroads Theatre. Although she has no intention of auditioning, she soon finds herself part of a very odd summer stock company that includes moody and mysterious director Rowan Mackenzie, a man with the uncanny ability to transform a train wreck of a show into something magical. Before the season ends, Maggie is determined to discover the truth about the Crossroads. She never imagines that she'll discover secrets about her past - and Rowan's - that will change their lives forever.Read Barbara Ashford's blogs and other content on the Penguin Community.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

"Spellcast," by Barbara Ashford is about Maggie Graham. We find Maggie right at the start of her summer. She has lost her job. And, to make it worse, the bathroom ceiling in her apartment in Brooklyn caved in! Finally, Maggie had had enough of Brooklyn. As a result, she drove away from home and decided to stop in Hillandale, Vermont for the weekend. When the road forked, she turned toward Dale. Somehow, though, the area felt vaguely familiar, especially the big white barn she passed while she was on her way to town. Later on, Maggie auditions for the town play and gets in.

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