So Much Closer
So Much Closer
So Much Closer
Susane Colasanti
When Brooke's crush, Scott, moves from their suburban town to New York City, she decides to follow him there. Living with her formerly estranged dad and adapting to a new school are challenging, and things go from bad to worse when Brooke learns that Scott already has a girlfriend. But as she builds her new life, Brooke begins to discover a side of herself she never knew existed. And as she finds out, in the city that never sleeps, love can appear around any corner...Watch a Video

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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Sometimes Brooke Greene just knows things. Not in the way of being super smart (thought she is a teenage genius as well), but in the sense that The Knowing is always right. And right now, The Knowing is telling her that she and Scott Abrams were destined to be together. That explains why she followed Scott when he moved from a suburb town in New Jersey to the bustling New York City. But sometimes, life has a way of turning unexpectedly. NYC brings out a side of Brooke that no one has seen before, a side hidden from insecurities.

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