Shiner and King
Shiner and King
Shiner and King
Nolan Carlson
Book Three of the Shiner Series The only thing better than more adventures with Carley and Troop is sharing the fun with a German Shepherd named King-the best dog in the whole wide world, according to Carley. Hometown shenanigans abound along with a surprise or two with Luke Webster, and with Carley at his side, King shows his true colors as a hero while Shiner roams free in his new life in the wild woods along Blue River. Could a boy's life get any better? Of course, Mick Fuller and his dog, Devil, and Toby Swanson are back, meaner than ever, and Miss Botch's swats still hurt. Carley still seems to spend a bit more time in trouble than he'd like, but he wouldn't trade his life in Belford for anything in the world!

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  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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In the book Shiner and King by Nolan Carlson, the main characters are Carly and Troop. They do everything together. They formed a club called the Mustangs. They both are in the same class at school. One day Troop and Carly were riding their bikes and Luke Webster (a mean boy in the town) fell, the boys went over to him to make sure he was OK. Luke, because he is mean, kidnapped them. He kept them in his shed. They were soon rescued. The dog King goes missing and they spent a lot of time looking for him. They found him in the nick of time. King was in danger.

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