Seaglass Summer
Seaglass Summer
Seaglass Summer
Anjali Banerjee
 Eleven-year-old Poppy Ray longs to be a veterinarian, but she's never had a pet. This summer, she's going to spend a month with her uncle Sanjay, veterinarian and owner of the Furry Friends Animal Clinic on an island off the Washington coast. Poppy is in for big surprises. She loves tending to the dogs, cats, and even a bird, and she discovers the fun of newborn puppies and the satisfaction of doing a good job. But she learns that there's more to caring for animals than the stethoscope and cotton swabs in her Deluxe Veterinarian First-Aid Kit. She's not prepared for quirky pet owners, gross stuff, or scary emergencies. With help from a boy named Hawk, a chunk of seaglass, and a touch of intuition, Poppy gains a deeper understanding of the pain and joy of working with animals. With warmth and humor, Anjali Banerjee tells the story of a resourceful, determined girl who can't wait to grow up, but begins to realize just how much she has left to discover.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Anjali Banerjee writes a great story about a girl named Poppy Ray who is 11 years old and loves animals. She wants to be a veteranarian when she gets older but her mother is allergic to anything with fur. When Poppy's parents go to India for buisness, Poppy stays with her Uncle Sanjay and helps him in his pet clinic. But Poppy has a hard time fitting in with her Uncle and everything turns out wrong. Will Poppy be able to help all the animals and pull herself together?

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