Score! Sports Stories
Score!: Sports Stories
Score! Sports Stories
Alan Durant
This collection of championship stories features a broad cast of characters, including cyclists, swimmers, runners, and ballplayers. From a fast-paced hockey story by Matt Christopher to a dramatic basketball tale by Walter Dean Myers, the collection includes contributions from the best writers of contemporary sports fiction. There are also extracts from classic works such as National Velvet and Tom Brown's Schooldays. Gripping stories take readers through all the highs and lows of competition, from the thrill of victory to the heartbreak of defeat. Both boys and girls will be hooked until the final whistle.

Book Details


  • Fiction
  • Short Story
  • Sports

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
Profile Picture

Score! Sports Stories by Alan Durant is a collection of different short stories about sports. The book includes extracts of other books and complete short stories. Each story in the book is unique and they're all about different kinds of sports. There are stories on soccer to stories on horseracing to stories on cricket. This book is great for anyone who enjoys playing or watching sports.

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