Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Business Success
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Business Success
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Business Success
No matter what is going on in your business right now - whether you're trying to improve the results of your existing business, are starting a new business, or are struggling to take the leap from full-time employment to earning a living from doing what you love - the results you're experiencing are coming from references in your subconscious. Changing the subconscious references that are providing the "proof" for the problems and challenges you're experiencing currently will result in automatic, natural changes - without forcing anything or making yourself be who you're not.Whatever efforts you apply to your business is like cutting the branches off a weed. It will just grow again. You need to go to the root - pull that out, and replace it with a plant you want in your garden - that creates real, and lasting change.This book will give you the details on how your subconscious is programmed, how it is controlling every aspect of your life, and how to change it. Follow the step-by-step instructions to make the changes that will result in the kind of business success you choose!

Book Details


  • Nonfiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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