Lauren McLaughlin
How do you grow up, if who you are keeps changing?Jill McTeague is not your average high school graduate, she’s a scientific anomaly. Every month for four days she turns into Jack, a guy—complete with all the parts. Now everyone in her hometown knows that something very weird is up with her. So what’s a girl (and a guy) to do? Get the heck out of town, that’s what! With her kooky best friend, Ramie, Jill sets out for New York City. There both she and Jack will have to figure out everything from the usual (relationships) to the not so usual (career options for a “cycler,” anyone?).As in Cycler, the first book featuring Jack and Jill, author Lauren McLaughlin deftly weaves the downright mundane with the outright bizarre in a story that, while defying classification, is peopled with characters that readers can fully relate to.“The sort of book that makes your eyes widen and that you don’t want to put down.”—Bookavore

Book Details


  • Fiction
  • Science Fiction
  • Series

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Jill McTeague is very different from other teenage girls. It's not her fault though. She happens to be a scientific anomaly. Each and every month, she turns into a guy named Jack with all the guy parts. She was able to get through high school, but she had to claim she was getting blood transfusions. Now she doesn't know what to do. Everyone in her hometown is suspicious of her and there is only one thing to do, get out of town. She decides to travel with her best friend to New York where her and Jack will have to figure out relationship problems, career options, and much more.

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