My Mother is a French Fry and Further Proof
My Mother Is a French Fry and Further Proof of My Fuzzed-Up Life
My Mother is a French Fry and Further Proof
Colleen Sydor
It makes Eli cringe when her mother comes home proudly dressed in a foam rubber French fry suit after her first day as a mascot for Burgers ?n' Fries. Families come in many forms in the animal kingdom, Eli's teacher had informed her. Sure, but ? French fries? How can her mother be so unembarrassable? When 15-year-old Eli Smyth isn't fuming over her mother's goofy jobs and total lack of inhibition, she's envious of Grace. Eli's best friend has two dads, both tres cool, and neither dresses up as fast food for a living. Maybe JG can understand. He's the boy in her class who shares her appreciation of rock band Decapitated Heads and also happens to have problems with his dad. Nobody's parents, though, are as wacko as Eli's mom. Everything she says and does drives Eli crazy. The too-frank sex-talks, the penchant for clothing that resembles flour sacks; the list goes on ? It seems her mom can't do much more to aggravate Eli ? and then gets pregnant. To Eli, there's nothing more disgusting than pregnancy. Now that her mother's puking her guts out most mornings and beginning to look like Jabba the Hut, what if she needs Eli's love and understanding? Will Eli be there for her?

Book Details


  • Fiction
  • Humor

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Eli Smith is an only child who lives with her almost normal father and crazy mother, Dee. Other peoples trash is her couch, kitchen table, and curtains, she insists on using the letter z to disguise swear words, and her job at Burgers N Frize, requires her to wear a gigantic carton of French fries. To get away from it all, Eli hangs out with her best friend, Grace, or her boyfriend JG. And when she found out that JG also has a messed up family of his own, she doesnt feel as lonely. But the next bit of news isnt as good as the first. Her mother is pregnant!

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