Three years after their first encounter with the Infinity Corps, Jack, his Uncle Bruce, and his friend Wayne reunite with the alien team in the heart of their hometown, New York City. They soon face a daunting, new challenge: to stop the tyrant Tarvin Genesis once more from taking the Infinity Diamonds for his master Valaden, the Soul Lord. The team travels to the planet Krynosh to stop Tarvin from mobilizing a new army and a new ally, the Overdeath. During the quest, Jack discovers new power within him, and a romance blossoms in his heart. Once again, the Infinity Corps holds the fate of the planet and the galaxy in their hands.Infinity: The Rise of the Mandroids is the second book in the Infinity series and continues the adventures of Jack Stone and the Infinity Corps to protect the five Infinity Diamonds.
Book Details
- Fiction
Age Level:
- 12 and up