Horse Diaries: Black Cloud
Horse Diaries #8: Black Cloud
Horse Diaries: Black Cloud
Patricia Hermes, Astrid Sheckels
Born in Northern Nevada in 1950, Black Cloud is a black-and-white mustang colt. He loves roaming free with the rest of his herd, playing with the other foals, and learning the ways of wild horses. But when humans intrude on this wandering life, Black Cloud's world is changed forever. Like Black Beauty, this moving novel is told in first person from the horse's own point of view and includes an appendix full of photos and facts about mustangs and the history of the laws protecting them.

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Horse Diaries is about a horse named Black Cloud. The story begins when he is born. He explores around the meadow as his mother keeps them from harm. After discovering many things throughout the meadow, they go back to the herd of horses. He meets his father and some other colts and fillies. After many days of playing, grazing, drinking, and sleeping with the other foals, a strange machine flies above their herd. When all the other horses go running, Black Cloud follows. He runs from the machine, which his mom calls a helicopter, for hours on end.

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