Emily the Strange
Emily the Strange: Dark Times
Emily the Strange
Rob Reger, Buzz Parker, Jessica Gruner, Rob Reger
Emily's uniquely strange homeschool syllabus includes:1. Time Travel 1012. Advanced Spy Photography3. Bonnet Basics 4. Great Aunts Through the Ages5. Intro to Germ Theory6. Care and Feeding of 'Squito Fish7. Fundamentals of Black Rock 8. Spiderweb Embroidery9. Historical & Contemporary Felines10. Pop Quizzes11. Foodstuffs of the 1780s12. Thwarting Ancestral Enemies 13. Techniques in Parallel

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  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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Emily Strange has always been able to get out of going to school. Most of the time, she's homeschooling herself. It all seems to work pretty well. As Emily plans out her school curriculum Emily's mother decides she wants to teach a class-History. The History of the Strange Family, to be exact. Emily's first assignment is Great-Aunts Through the Ages. Every 100 years or so a Strange family aunt has a cool talent. Great-Aunt Millie died in 1761 but is somehow still sticking around and Great-Aunt Lily had special healing powers.

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