Council of Evil
Council of Evil: A novel
Council of Evil
Andy Briggs
Jake Hunter is your quintessential bully-tough, mean, and misunderstood. While he likes the power gotten from picking on the nerdy kids, he's sick of his dumb buddies, and he craves some adventure in his dull life. So when he stumbles upon a Web site called that lets him download superpowers, he's eager to try out the laser vision and the radioactivity. But when he joins forces with a supervillain named Basilisk, Jake must decide if he truly wants to accept the consequences of being a villain. And of course, little does he know that is out there too, recruiting teens for the other side. . . .

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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This book is what superheroes and super villians are about. The old good versus evil is as dull as ever, but this book puts a twist on how villains and heroes actually act. The book was so intriguing that i could not put it down. The book really brings out that if you are going to try and control someone then you should try and control someone less powerful than you. The beginning of the book was kind of dull, but once you got past that you will not be able to put it down. This book will be one you will never forget.

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