Choices, My Secrets
Choices, My Secrets
Thomas Wade Bounds
My Secrets, the first of a series on Choices for young teens and their parents, tells the compelling story of Rachel, a teenager faced with unexpected choices in a quest to find her way after a summer romance brings her more than she bargained for. Searching for hope things spin out of control as she finds more issues while leaving out the possibilities to talk with friends, family and God until a chance encounter helps her think. See if she plows ahead or does she find her true self and gain the faith, hope, and courage to consider the best choices to guide her through her incredible journey. Thomas Wade Bounds, is a businessman and the founder of Heritage Values. He lives with his wife Elsa and their two children, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Book Details


  • Faith-based
  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • Mature Young Adult
Profile Picture

Choices is a book that deals with one of the hardest
decisions a girl might have to make in her life. When
Rachael meets Gary, she is forced to decide whether to take
a chance and date him or break her school's tradition of
dating outside their own walls. Pushing her fears aside, she
lets herself fall for his athletic body and talents. Soon
they share a deep and dark secret that will change their
lives forever as Rachael and Gary are forced to make
decisions they are not ready to make. When Gary leaves for

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