Brand-New Emily
Brand New Emily
Brand-New Emily
Ginger Rue
Everyone at Wright Middle School knows you should not make an enemy of the uber-clique that fourteen-year-old Emily Wood calls The Daisies. But that's exactly what she has done, and now she's paying the price...until Emily stumbles onto some top-secret gossip about a teen heartthrob and finds herself in the good graces of a top New York PR firm. Now--with an ace publicist in her corner--make way for Brand Em: She's got style, she's got attitude, and her troubles at school are a thing of the past! But no product can stay hot forever, and it isn't long before Emily discovers the limits of brand loyalty.In her first novel, Ginger Rue captures perfectly the desire to be part of the in-crowd. And while the solution to Emily's problems may be every teen's fantasy, readers will cheer as the once-bullied girl finds her way back to her true self.

Book Details


  • Chick Lit
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Emily Wood, the new girl in Wright middle school has some major issues. While crossing the line of "The Daisies," three popular girls that make Emily's life terrible. Emily has found herself hiring New York's most powerful P.R. (public relations) firm to up her ranking in popularity and stop the problems with "The Daisies". Now Emily has a shot of a new image, Brand Em! As Em makes her way up the popularity ladder she finds herself having, even more problems than before. All Emily wants to do is undo everything. As her talent, family, friends, and P.R.

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