Autumn of Elves
Autumn of Elves (Seasons of Elves)
Autumn of Elves
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Panic fills Aly and her grandmother when Aly's ten-year-old sister, Emily, sees a troll. The shock of Emily also having magical powers gives way as the sisters begin to share a world of intrigue. Aly becomes Emily's instructor and protector while they interact with many new creatures―some of which are fascinating and some terrifying. Aly finds her guardianship responsibilities increasing as the autumn wears on. Can she keep her sister and all the light elves safe from the dangers that await?

Book Details


  • Fantasy

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up

Autumn of Elves by Joanne Vruno is an exciting, mysterious, and magical book about twelve-year-old Aly and her sister, Emily. While spending a day at a festival, Aly and her grandmother notice a troll. Surprise and panic fills them when Emily also sees the troll. As Emily gains magical powers as well, Aly becomes her instructor and protector. However, Aly must now focus on a new task at hand. A whole colony of light elves have come to Aly’s town for protection. Aly has been the one assigned as their guardian. Can she keep them safe from danger? 

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Autumn of Elves is the continuation of the Seasons of Elves series. The story starts with the end of summer break right around the corner. Aly and the rest of her family are going to the harvest festival, which is their tradition every year. The whole family is having a good time until Aly's parents go to buy cookies to take home. Aly, her ten year old sister Emily, and her grandma sit on a bench to rest while her parents are off buying cookies. Then, Emily sees what she thinks is a young girl.

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