Book Reviews by MWood_LBMS
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Alton barely knows anything about Uncle Lester, except that he is wealthy, blind and elderly. When Uncle Lester calls asking Alton to be his cardturner, he is very surprised. Alton's mother pressures him to become tightly knit with Uncle Lester, with high hopes that they will inherit a fortune, but there is other competition. In the process of becoming cardturner, Alton learns to enjoy the game of bridge.

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Andrea McKane has Post Traumatic stress disorder. Her Mom has schizophrenia, a disease which makes her do crazy things. Andrea needs a way to escape and leave her problems behind. When she discovers running, it does just that. Andrea also goes to Samantha, her therapist, who helps her straighten out her life. This realistic fiction book really opens your eyes to the hardships you never imagined.

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Returns to Sender, by Julia Alvarez is about a boy named Tyler who lives on a farm. When his grandfather dies, then months later his Dad is in a tractor accident, Tyler is not sure how to deal with his losses. When Tyler returns from his relative's house, he finds his parents hired migrant Mexican workers to do the jobs his Dad can't. Along with the workers there is three younger girls. One of the girls, Mari is Tyler's age. As Tyler and Mari begin to get to know eachother, they are not sure if they are friends.

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This is a cookbook geared toward teen cooks. It has many recipes in different categories, such as bread, butter and breakfast or bowls: soups and pasta. It also comes with a menu for certain special events. For example, for a birthday party, it recommends cooking Farmers Market Pizza, Bombay Sliders with Hurry Curry sauce along with other things, including Shayna's Healthy Birthday cake and Irene's Agua Fresca. It is full of detailed instruction and pictures for each dish.

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When Birdie goes to visit her grandmother for the first time, she is not sure what to expect. When she arrives, she is stunned by the beautiful gardens, the butterfly meadow and the huge maze built of boxwood shrubs. She thinks nothing can become any better until she learns her family's secret. She is a fairy godmother. She needs to go on a mission through an enchanted forest, Aventurine to save the magical glimmer tree.If she fails her quest, her family's bond will slowly break apart and a part of Aventurine will be lost.

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Portia Avatar, a girl detective is on the case to find her father, Patch. When Misty, a new student arrives, she brings a case along with her. She tells Portia her case is top secret, and somebody's life is at steak. Portia spends time with Misty in school and out of school. Portia's best friend, Amy, starts to become jealous. Portia has to juggle her two cases and keeping her old friend.