Book Reviews by LBair0511_IVMA
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Lonely and lost. No other words can better describe Holly Mullen after the loss of her boyfriend Rob in a tragic accident. However, it's been a few months, and Holly needs to move on. Although how can she forget the only boy she has ever loved? Meanwhile, her Alzheimer's stricken grandfather, Aldo, has come to live with Holly, her mother, and her little sister. Since her mother works two full time jobs, Holly is left to care for her grandfather and her little sister. Due to his disease, it is normal for Aldo to have hallucinations.

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Being a teenager in love is a wonderful thing; and if you have the bond that Judith and Kevin share, it's a beautiful thing. Even though they are in high school, Judith and Kevin know they want to someday get married and have children together. If they had the chance, they would get married right away, however their Catholic families and their Catholic school would not be happy with that decision. So for now, they are just engaged. But what happens when Judith becomes pregnant in her senior year of high school? Will she be able to finish high school on time?

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You think you know me? This is how Angelyn Stark would respond to meeting a new person. As an outsider, you would not know much about Angelyn. Sure, at school, kids see the bad girl side of her, the one that doesn't mind getting in trouble. But what happened to the good girl, the one that studied with Mrs. Daly after school when she was younger? And why does she hate Mrs. Daly's grandson, Nathan, so much? What did Nathan do to make Angelyn's mom and step- father hate her? And then there is Mr. Rossi, Angelyn's World Cultures teacher that says Angelyn is one smart girl.