Book Reviews by KMee0611
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In the book My Beginning by Melissa Kline, the world has changed as we know it. The main character, Ivory, has been raised in an institution for children after the world was plagued by a deadly virus. The children are taught their entire life that they must remain inside institution walls at all times or risk catching the virus and dying. Inside, one of the most important rules is that boys and girls must not mingle. For Ivory, that has never been a challenge, until Aiden the mysterious new boy who catches her eye, is transferred to her institution after his was overrun by the plague.

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Bargains and Betrayals continues Jessica's and Pieters story of love, lies, sacrifices, daring rescues and werewolves. Jessica, Jess has just been unwilling torn from her true love and checked into an Asylum. Now she has to find a way out in order to save Pieter, the love of her life's mother from a life cut short due to their werewolf genetics. Like any sickness there is a cure but one only Jess can provide. In the third book of the 13 to Life series, Jess and Pieter make drastic sacrifices to keep all they love alive.

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The Immortal Lost is about a twenty-three year old girl, home to visit after graduating collage, who has always been slightly different. Dylan Black has the ability to see into others minds. What her mother calls a gift, she has learned from a young age to be a curse. A fun pass time that now she tries to avoid, thanks to a strange man who gave her horrible thoughts it seems on purpose. Now he's back to haunt her dreams and her conscious mind.

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Truth from the Shadows is one girl's story of learning to believe in herself and her abilities despite what others think. Alex is a young medium who desperately needs to make sense of her abilities in order to help and rid herself of the young ghost who won't quit till his family knows everything about his suicide. The only problem, Alex's parents ignore her screaming for help. Her mother, a psychiatrist, thinks she is only hallucinating, and decides she's crazy. Her father only tries to keep the peace by siding with her mom.