Book Reviews by EFet
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Madeline, Desiree, and Ariel are three girls living in 3 different time periods, but dealing with the same problems. Madeline just wants to fit in and be like the popular cheerleader girls at her school, but being overweight doesn't allow that chance. Desiree strives to be the perfet girl for her perfect boyfriend, Jeremy, despite what her mother thinks of her. Ariel longs to be the best girlfriend she can be to her new boyfriend of only two months. Facing many challenges, the three girls strive to keep their teenage years alive.

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Annie Hoffman is an average, smalltown, teenage girl. After receiving a letter from her aunt, Annie travels to New York City to visit her. Annie, who plays the violin, knows of a well known music school,and goes to an audition with hopes of getting in. After being rejected, Annie finds something that may change her life forever. This small town girl just might turn into a huge star.