Book Reviews by APlow0212_tomah
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Project Jackalope is about a boy and a girl who are on the run with a killer jackalope. A government agency named DARPA is after Jeremy who is a distracted boy, and Agatha who is a girl who is always trying to get good grades. These two kids are on the run with a killer bunny that Professor Twitchett, who is a scientist that dumped the jackalope in there hands, to take care of. But after those eyes blinked at Jeremy everything started going wrong. At the end do they get to keep it or have to give it to DARPA? Read the book to find out!

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Bren's people live on the island of Mospheira on the atevi world, which is ruled by Tabini. Tabini is a linguist and diplomat, Bren is the interpreter between humans and atevi, responsibile for the gradual transfer of human technology to the aliens. Through the series, atevi and Mospheirans have had to deal with many new contacts.As Deceiver starts, Bren, Tabini's grandmother Ilsidi, and their staff are picking up the pieces after uncovering treachery on Lord Geigi's estate. Ilsidi made a treaty with the Edi. Will Tabini approve?READ IT TO FIND OUT!