Book Reviews by ACC
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A coming of age story set in a remote mountain range in Germany; Steinhofel weaves the elegant tale of a seventeen-year-old boy named Phil. Although the novel does deal with Phil's sexuality, it primarily illustrates his tumultuous relationship with his unconventional mother, Glass, and reclusive twin sister, Dianne. From the birth of Phil and Dianne by their teenage mother in the prologue of the story, the family occupies a large estate, called Visible, on the outskirts of a socially repressive and ultra-conservative town.

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This novel is a coming of age story centered around the life of a young Amazon queen-to-be, Rain. It tells of her relationship, or lack therof, with her mother, the Queen of the Amazon women, and all of the things that are expected of her as the future Queen. The novel starts with Rain being absolutely sure of what she wants and the course that her life should take. Throughout the novel, however, she slowly begins considering what life can be like outside of the never-ending war that is the empire of the Amazon women.