Book Reviews by AudreyCFarrell
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Our mysterious narrator comes into consciousness to find a young man killing himself in his bathtub. Hovering overhead, unable to pull away, he watches the boy die, unable to understand why he is there and who he is. Ever since then, he has been living the boy's, Dan's, life backwards, day by day, his tomorrow our yesterday.

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Soonchild tells the story of Sixteen-Face John as he goes on a journey to find the World Songs that his daughter, Soonchild, needs in order to come our of her mother's womb. The spirits of the North guide John through several stages of self, as he becomes No-Face John, Dead John, Alive John, and Twice-Dead John, among others.

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Life II by Scott Spotson is a fascinating twist on the theories of time travel, Life II tracks the multiple lives of Max Thorning. At 42 years old, unhappily married, working in an unsatisfactory career, but with two children he adores, Max is not living the life he wanted to be living.