Book Reviews by avance

Astrid is not your average student. She is a trouble maker with billionaire parents. The elite Bristol Academy has recently caught her in another one of her ploys, cheating on an exam. This is her last straw as she is kicked out of the school. This is strange to Astrid, after all she did cheat, but she isn’t one to get caught. This means one of her accomplices ratted on her, and Astrid wants revenge. After being kicked out of her last private school, Astrid’s world turns upside down as she’s trapped in public school.

This story takes place in a world very similar to our own. except in this world, there exists a strange presence. The Klaatu Diskos, portals to another world, scatter time and space. If one were to come across one by chance, they would be transported to a famous event in history. Some of those events are dangerous. They could be the 9-11 terrorist attack, or the explosion of a volcano. Soon after Tucker’s father goes up on a roof and disappears, only to come back hours later with a strange girl, his mother falls gravely ill.