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Body Language, Intuition & Leadership! Surviving Primary School | LitPick Book Reviews
Body Language, Intuition & Leadership! Surviving Primary School
Childrens Book- Body Language, Intuition & Leadership! Surviving Primary School ((A self help guide for kids ages 9-12))
Body Language, Intuition & Leadership! Surviving Primary School
Orly Katz
Surviving Primary School! - The secrets of body language, listening and intuition…It happened on one of the first hot days at the very beginning of the summer.A few of us decided to ditch school – simply to walk out of the building and spend the rest of the morning by the sea!Right from the start my body started sending me signals that this wasn’t OK…my stomach hurt me, and I ignored it, I got a thumping headache which I also ignored. Sarah forged our teacher’s signature with incredible skill and handed us the signed notes which were our pass out of school.We went to the gatekeeper holding our notes then, suddenly, he made a comment, one tiny remark which made us all change colors, from bright red to white and we were struck dumb…Interested to read what happened next? There are no two ways about it – our bodies talk to us and also talk to our environment about us!In this book you’ll learn:•How to interpret our intuitions•How to understand what our bodies are telling us• The secret of body language – the international language which isn’t taught in any schools but can help you better understand what your friends are telling you, so you can work out what they really mean…Let’s find out together what different movements or positions really mean, what lies hidden behind our words and how we can use our own body language to get what we really, truly want.This indispensable self help guide for kids, parents & teachers includes:•True life stories about growing up! •Tips, helpful rules, simple to do exercises!•Fun ‘test yourself’ questionnaires•A personal journal All of which will help you discover what the popular kids already know…the secrets of body language, listening and intuition.Most importantly you’ll learn how to be “simply me” and to survive Primary School!Don't forget to scroll back up and grab your own copy of this beautiful inspirational book while the price is still low.Tags: intuition, childrens books, primary schooled, nonfiction for kids 9-12, how-to books, body language for kids, leadership for kids, inspirational books

Book Details


  • Educational
  • Nonfiction
  • Series

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
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