J. E. Nicassio

J.E. Nicassio, hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a multifaceted author, artist, and former MUFON Field Investigator. She brings a unique blend of creativity and investigative curiosity to her storytelling, evident in her fantasy-romance series and children's book Rocky: The Rockefeller Christmas Tree., Jennie's diverse talents extend beyond the page. She's the dynamic creator and host of Chasing Prophecy Radio on UPRN talk radio, broadcasting on FM 107.7 in New Orleans and 105.3 in Henderson Point, Mississippi, with over a million followers. 

J.E. Nicassio knew she wanted to be a writer as a teenager. She dreamed of traveling the world and far away romantic places - but fate had other plans for her. Jennie married young and had two sons, after which fate dealt her a divorce and the challenge of raising two sons as a single mother. Determined not to be a worn out, tired single mom, she pulled her bootstraps up and attended college. Before she knew it, she graduated, and she even managed to get a Masters degree in professional writing.



J. E. Nicassio