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"It's great that critics praised my books - Publisher's Weekly called it "A humorous, well-written fantasy with an intriguing concept and a fast-paced plot." But the real test is what KIDS think of them: and I'm so gratified about how the student reviewers of LitPick have gushed!"
"Being a part of LitPick means being able to share your love of books with readers, reviewers and writers from around the world. It has been so rewarding as an Australian author to be able to interact and share my experiences and advice with the students and aspiring writers from all the way across the globe. The team at LitPick is wonderful, and the student reviewers are so fantastic in their enthusiasm for reading, and their book recommendations for their peers. I encourage anyone who lives and breathes books to join LitPick and become a part of the community."
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“You and your team are a Godsend” Neil O’Donnell
“I am so thankful for you and your team!” Neil O’Donnell
“I'm very impressed by how perceptive and thoughtful these readers are.” Todd Mitchell
“Please tell the reader that several of his/her lines are so lovely and well-crafted (like the last one in the summary) that I wish s/he were my editor and were writing the summary on the back flap of the book. It's really well done!” Todd Mitchell
“It means a lot to have a positive response from someone in the age group who is also clearly an avid reader and very well spoken.” David Anderson
“I love the viewer’s enthusiastic and tell-it-like-it-is style.” Brian Meehl