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Students - Sign up now to review books for LitPick! | LitPick Book Reviews
Students - Sign up now to review books for LitPick!

LitPick is based on the four R's

The four R's of LitPick: REQUEST - READ - REVIEW - REPEAT                  

Who are we?
Please watch this brief video for information about our website and how you can sign up to review books for us.  Learn more>

LitPick Student Reviewer 1

LitPick Student Reviewer 2

LitPick Student Reviewer 3

Who can become a LitPick student book reviewer?
Any student from fourth grade and up into college can become a LitPick student book reviewer and write book reviews for us.

You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter which features current student book reviews and more. 

How do I get started reviewing?
It's easy!
1. Just fill out a student reviewer application
2. Once your application is approved (usually within 2 - 3 days), you just log into LitPick using the username and password you entered on your application. 
3. After you log into LitPick, there is a link on your Control Panel that will take you to all the books which we now have available for review.
4. Request a Book right from our list and it will either be downloaded immediately to your computer or mailed to you.

Can a student earn money reviewing books for LitPick?
Experienced LitPick student reviewers who have repeatedly demonstrated that they can write well-written and supported reviews in a timely manner, will be specially asked to become part of an elite "A Team" of LitPick reviewers.  This A Team reads and reviews books submitted for Rapid or Guaranteed Reviews, and for each Rapid or Guaranteed Review that they complete, the student reviewer will receive an gift certificate.

Do LitPick student reviewers get to keep the book that they review?
Yes, reviewers keep printed review books after their book review is posted on our site. Reviewers can also keep eBook review copies. However, the LitPick honor code for student reviewers includes a pledge not to share print or eBook copies with anyone else out of respect for the authors and publishers who have entrusted us with these new YA books.

How can students outside of the United States become LitPick book reviewers?
Individuals or groups of students from outside the United States can become LitPick student book reviewers of eBooks.  There is no administrative or membership fee required.  We have hundreds of eBooks on our online booklist that are available for review, and we welcome reviewers from all over the world to join us.

Do you have to be a good reader to become a LitPick student book reviewer?
No, not at all. You just need to love to read books (especially new book releases) and be willing to write your opinions about what you read.  Students choose the books they want to review from a booklist online. We do not assign our student book reviewers books to review.

How does a student reviewer earn points and badges?
You can earn points and badges for each book review, forum post, correct answer in our vocabulary quiz, and for well-written book reviews.
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Student Reviewer Point Standings

Happy LitPick-ing!