Softly Say Goodbye [Kindle Edition]
Softly Say Goodbye
Softly Say Goodbye [Kindle Edition]
K.C. Sprayberry
Erin Sellers, an eighteen-year-old high school senior, hates teen drinking. She and her three friends – Bill, her guy, Shari and Jake - decide to use Twitter to stop a group, the Kewl Krew, from using their high school as the local bar. But the members of this group are just as determined to stop anyone from messing up their fun. Despite veiled threats to her safety, Erin continues her crusade. To make matters worse for her, the stress of school and extra curricular work mounts and suddenly, shockingly, booze-fuelled tragedy strikes. Erin is now under greater pressure as she spends all hours to produce a mural and other work to commemorate the death of a teen friend. Bill, Jake and Shari support her in all this... But more tragedy lurks nearby… until it’s time to softly say goodbye.

Book Details


  • Juvenile Fiction
  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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